Lecture 3: Higher-Order Abstract Syntax
Lecture plan
- OL: Simply-typed lambda calculus (syntax and typing)
- Encoding: syntax and typing
- LF type theory: lambda; adequacy for HOAS
- Encoding: %blocks and %worlds
- OL: Step rules (weak head reduction)
- Encoding: step rules; preserv proof
- Add LF encodings for product types and pairs with a “split” elimination
form. Extend the relevant judgments and proofs. (See code file for exact
inference rules.)
- Create an intrinsic encoding of STLC, where expression syntax is indexed
by the type of the expression. Declare blocks and worlds for every type family.
- In class, we talked about how adequacy with HOAS depends on LF functions
not being allowed to case-analyze their arguments. What goes wrong if we
allow this? Construct an example, if you can.
Further reading